What is an herbal walk into wellness?

When orienteering in the woods, being off by one degree on our compass can send us miles off course. In much the same way it is easy to lose track or miscalculate the small things in our health and wellness, which can lead to a much larger issue to face. In addition, we may find that our old health habits that we have developed over the years no longer help to keep us well.

Herbal medicine aids in resetting true north, nudging the body, providing movement towards a wellness path.

You may be skeptical because you heard about the newest and latest supplement from a TV program, book or magazine article, tried it and had little success. There is a lot of information about herbs on the internet, much of it conflicting as to the herb’s efficacy and safety. I have been trained to review clinical studies, traditional uses and other scientific research to make determinations about appropriate dosage, form and theoretical drug interactions for an individual.

I completed my Masters of Science in Herbal Medicine at Maryland University of Integrative Health formerly known as Tai Sophia Institute, which is accredited, where my I specialized in metabolic and endocrine wellness. Herbs prescribed at the Herbal Dispensary have been identified by organoleptic and microscopic identification to potency and quality.

Why would I see an herbalist?

Herbalists partner with you in supporting and maintaining health instead of focusing on disease management through our body’s innate wisdom toward healing. I am trained in both traditional and contemporary uses of plants and plant extracts.

Individual chemicals have unique properties and that is what a pharmaceutical company calls a drug. Many drugs were developed from single compounds isolated from plants. We interact daily with multiple chemicals in our bodies and that is called synergy. Each of the chemicals alone may have a reaction but the mixed reaction of all the chemicals together can be greater than if the chemical was alone.

I believe in the synergy of food, herbs and lifestyle informed by both scientific research as well as traditional energetics and uses of plants to guide us on our path to wellness.

It is important for your herbalist to help to create individually formulated herbal recommendations as well as partner in setting goals of self-care that incorporate a deeper connection with nature and ourselves.

The herbalist will also help you, when necessary, understand the limitations of herbal medicine and request that you seek assistance from appropriate licensed medical providers.

How long is the first consultation?

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